Carrera Cafe Featured on LA Unscripted

Kia Illulian opened Carrera Cafe in September 2016 with the Ripple Maker as a core differentiator. Creating “the intersection of fashion, social media, and coffee,” he and his partners built a photogenic, experiential space where people would have an amazing, Instagrammable experience in the heart of West Hollywood they’d be sure to share online.

The strategy has worked.

Within a year, they were featured in Vogue.

This Monday, Carrera Cafe was featured on KTLA’s LA Unscripted, delighting host Dayna Devon with their beautiful decor and delicious egg sandwiches, and teaching her how to make a latte with “the picture of the person that is the most important to [her] in the entire world” (her dog Violet).

When the Ripples team interviewed Kia way back in 2017 he said that getting the Ripple Maker was a “no brainer” and that “you invest a little bit of money and you get a massive return. There’s incredible value in press and branding.”

Five years later his marketing strategy and efforts are consistent and strong. And his Ripple Maker is still paying dividends.

Watch the video at LA Unscripted.

Interior of Carrera Cafe with LA Unscripted Chyron